Car Care Tips: 7 Simple Maintenance Tasks You Can Do Yourself

You don’t need to be an expert in automotive mechanics or handy with tools.

Anyone can perform the most uncomplicated car maintenance in their garage or driveway. Use the tips in this article to take care of your car for several reasons:

Your vehicle will run more safely. Well-maintained cars are more reliable, and they have a longer lifespan.

You’ll reduce your carbon footprint.

You can enjoy the satisfaction of performing your auto maintenance.

You’ll save on auto repair costs.

Your vehicle will look better.

Protect your investment with simple car care tips

Many car and truck owners pay little attention to their vehicles until a problem arises.

We will bring them into our auto repair shop for an oil change or regular maintenance. However, there are other things drivers can do to make sure their cars look and perform at their best.

You can protect your investment in your vehicle by performing regular auto check-ups.

These seven tips for car maintenance are simple to perform and don’t take much time.

Inspect your battery

If your battery is failing, you won’t be able to drive anywhere. So take the time to inspect this critical car component and clean it occasionally visually.

Check your battery terminals at least once a year for signs of white dry battery acid. Remove the cables from the battery if there are any (start with the negative line).

To remove the corrosive materials from the battery’s terminals, use a wire brush and corrosion removal liquid from an automotive supply retailer. Baking soda and water are also effective.

Connect the battery cables by reconnecting the positive cable. Rinse the area cleaned with water and dry it off with a cloth.

Replace your windshield wipers

A clear windshield is one of the most critical safety features for drivers. It allows them to see the road at its best.

Replace worn-out windshield wipers that leave streaks, skip, or do not effectively remove snow and rain. If you hear a squeaking sound, it is time to replace your wiper blades.

If your wipers work fine, you should inspect them periodically for cracks. Wipe the rubber strips with a paper towel or a wet rag to remove any dirt.

As with most maintenance tasks, weather and vehicle use will influence your schedule for replacing certain parts.

You should replace your wiper blades about every six to twelve months. When you next buy a pair of wiper blades, purchase an extra set to keep in your trunk.

You can change the wiper blades on most vehicles yourself. Follow the instructions on the back of your wiper blade packaging and in the owner’s manual.

Replace the engine air filter

Changing your engine’s air filter is the most daunting of all the tips on this page. It’s pretty simple.

The engine will be under extra strain if the air filter is dirty. It can have a slight impact on gas mileage and acceleration.

The frequency of changing an engine air filter will depend on various factors. Air filters clog faster if you drive on unpaved roads or in heavy traffic.

Air filter replacement schedules can differ widely among car manufacturers. Some manufacturers recommend changing the air filter every 15,000 kilometers (24,000 miles), while others suggest every 45,000 kilometers (72,000 miles).

You can find the location of your engine air filters in your owner’s guide. The air filter box on most vehicles is easy to open and doesn’t require any tools.

If you look at the air filter, it will tell you if it needs to be replaced. The dirty air filter appears gray or black.

Was your car?

Washing your car regularly is one of the most straightforward tips for car care. This will keep your vehicle’s exterior looking new and protect it.

This is a straightforward task that’s only sometimes done correctly. Some drivers wash their cars or trucks too little, while others wash them too much.

Based on the factors above, washing your vehicle every 2 to 4 weeks is a good idea. If you live in an area that uses road salt during winter, you should wash your car every two weeks, as salt can damage a vehicle’s underside and finish.

It is best to park your car in a garage to protect it from the elements. This includes acidic bird droppings, tree sap, dead bugs, and airborne particles like dust, pollen, and dirt.

The time needed to complete the task: Approximate 20-30 minutes

Waxing your car

Add waxing to your car maintenance routine.

It is recommended to wax twice or three times a year. Some more expensive synthetic products claim you only need to apply their wax once per year.

Waxing protects the clear coat and paint of vehicles from the elements.

Pouring a small amount of water on your vehicle will tell you if it needs to be waxed. If the water beads, you don’t need to wax your car.

These car care tips can also improve your mileage. Clean cars have better fuel economy than dirty ones, according to testing (including an experiment done by TV’s MythBusters).

Check your engine fluids

Even with dashboard indicators that show when fluid levels are low in your vehicle, it is a good idea to periodically check your liquid status between visits to the auto garage.

This is a quick and easy way to ensure all your vehicle’s liquids are topped up. It’s a good idea to check your fluid levels before a road trip.

Always check the fluid level while your vehicle is parked on flat ground. Wipe your dipsticks with a paper towel or rag.

Let’s begin with the motor oil. There are many opinions about how to measure your fat accurately. Some experts recommend running the car until it reaches its average operating temperature, then shutting it down and waiting 5-10 minutes to check your oil dipstick.

Some say you can check your oil dipstick while the vehicle is cold. Ask your mechanic and consult your owner’s guide to determine the best method.

Some vehicles do not have a fluid-level dipstick. Check the transmission fluid level while the car runs if yours has one. When checking the Coolant Tank’s Level, always turn off your vehicle.

You can find your brake liquid in a tank with easy-to-read fluid indicators. Check the fluid reservoir for power steering fluid, which could have a dipstick, depending on the vehicle model.

Check the fluid level in your windscreen washer fluid. Any experienced driver will be familiar with this fluid.

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